Owlett Announces $1 Million State Investment in Pine Creek Rail-Trail Project

February 4, 2019

HARRISBURG – Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford/Potter) today announced that the Pine Creek Rail-Trail project that runs through Wellsboro has been selected to receive $1 million through the state’s Multimodal Transportation Fund.

“This is huge news for the area,” said Owlett. “This is a greatly anticipated project that will have a big economic impact in addition to being a fantastic recreational resource. This funding will help get the project one step closer to reality.

“Just imagine one day hopping on your bike in Wellsboro and riding all the way down to Jersey Shore,” said Owlett. “This trail will be a great addition to our area.”

The Pine Creek Rail Trail begins just north of Wellsboro, runs south through Pine Creek Gorge, and ends at Jersey Shore.

The Pine Creek Rail-Trail project is one of 50 highway, bridge, transit, aviation, and bike and pedestrian projects in 23 counties that were selected to receive a combined $44.5 million in funding through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.

PennDOT evaluated applications and made selections based on such criteria as safety benefits, regional economic conditions, the technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency, and operational sustainability.

“A big round of applause goes out to all those behind the scenes who have been working so diligently on this project and the application submitted to PennDOT to receive consideration by the Multimodal Fund,” said Owlett. “State funding is always in high demand and only 50 of the best projects across the entire state were chosen to receive funding.”

PennDOT’s Multimodal Fund was established by Act 89 to provide funding for ports and rail freight, increase aviation investments, establish dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and allow targeted funding for priority investments in any mode.

Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
RepOwlett.com / Facebook.com/RepOwlett

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