Owlett, Pickett Remind Consumers to Weigh in on Proposed Verizon, Frontier Merger at Feb. 13 Hearing

February 7, 2025

HARRISURG – Reps. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) and Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Wyoming) are reminding customers of both Frontier and Verizon Communications of an upcoming public input hearing on the proposed merger of the two companies.

The Public Utility Commission (PUC) will hold an in-person hearing on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m. at the Wellsboro Fire Company Annex, 21 East Ave., Wellsboro.

“Unlike many areas of the state, rural Pennsylvanians cannot assume quality, reliable internet and telephone service will be available to them, and that is especially true for customers of Frontier Communications,” Owlett said. “With this merger under review, we have another opportunity to make our case for the kind of service we need and deserve.”

“I have heard from so many parents, families and business owners over the years who have struggled with slow or no internet, extended telephone outages, delayed repairs and more,” Pickett said. “We deserve better, and it’s important the PUC knows our needs as it reviews the terms of this proposed merger.” 

The lawmakers emphasized the importance of outlining the region’s expectations for things like services provided, maintenance and enhancement of communications infrastructure, timelines for repairs, and overall customer service accessibility and responsiveness.

Residents unable to participate in the Wellsboro hearing are welcome to take part in one of two telephonic hearings on Thursday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. Participants can call in, toll free, at 866-759-6860 and use PIN Number: 71568747.

An additional in-person hearing also is tentatively scheduled for March 11 in Tunkhannock. 

Registration to speak at the hearings is encouraged but not required. To pre-register, contact the Office of Administrative Law Judge at 717-787-4497 or by email at lakjackson@pa.gov and provide the following information: first and last name, email address or phone number, date and time of the desired hearing, and whether an interpreter is needed. Those registering for a telephonic hearing should also provide the phone number that will be used to call in. Those who pre-register and provide the necessary information will be called to testify at the hearing in the order in which they pre-register. People who simply want to listen in need not pre-register. 

Last fall, Frontier and Verizon announced the proposed merger, with Verizon buying all of Frontier’s assets, not only in Pennsylvania but across the nation. For this estimated $20 billion acquisition to take place, Verizon and Frontier must obtain approval from the Federal Communications Commission and the PUC, along with similar commissions in other affected states.

Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Representative Tina Pickett
110th District

Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Owlett Media Contact: Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846
Pickett Media Contact: Andy Briggs, 717.260.6474


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