Owlett Issues Statement Regarding ASC-ES in Blossburg
January 29, 2025
WELLSBORO – Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) issued the following statement regarding the ASC-ES (former Ward Manufacturing) facility in Blossburg:
“Losing any type of employer has a negative impact on our region’s economy and, more importantly, on the lives of the folks who work there and their families.
“Immediately upon learning of this proposed closing, we sprang into action trying to figure out next steps that could ultimately keep the plant open and operating here in Blossburg. We are grateful the leadership at Ward has been accessible and is maintaining open lines of communication with community leaders since the announcement.
“Our region has a lot going for it, including a skilled workforce with a strong work ethic. We’ve been through this before and will come together as a community once again to fight to keep good jobs here.”
Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
RepOwlett.com / Facebook.com/RepOwlett
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