Area Officials Seek Solutions for Local Dialysis Patients
February 13, 2024
WELLSBORO – A group of state and county officials are pledging their commitment to finding solutions for local dialysis patients after U.S. Renal Care announced it will close its Wellsboro location later this month.
Rep. Clint Owlett (R-68), Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), and Tioga County Commissioners Sam Van Loon, Marc Rice, and Shane Nickerson expressed frustration about the closing and concern for the three dozen patients who visit the center regularly for life-sustaining care. The officials said they have attempted to communicate with U.S. Renal Care, while also working with other companies that have expressed interest in operating a dialysis center in the area.
“Dialysis is incredibly hard on patients, and now, without a facility closer to home, they are going to have to travel nearly an hour, multiple times a week to get the care they need. That is just wrong,” Owlett said. “We respectfully ask U.S. Renal Care to remain open until current patients have a clear plan in place for continuity of care.”
“Access to critical health care is one of the biggest challenges facing our rural communities and this unfortunate decision has left patients scrambling,” Sen. Yaw said. “We are committed to exploring all resources to ensure patients have access to the care they need, while navigating this difficult situation.”
Owlett, Yaw and the commissioners explained that U.S. Renal Care is a private company, and no level of government can force it to continue operating in Wellsboro. Their local offices will continue to serve as a resource for dialysis patients.
“This is placing a great deal of added stress on the affected dialysis patients and their loved ones as if they weren’t already dealing with enough challenges,” the commissioners stated. “We pride ourselves on the outstanding quality of life available here in Tioga County, but for these patients, their quality of life is largely dependent upon being able to access dialysis treatment close to home. We are committed to doing all we can to make that happen.”
In January, U.S. Renal Care announced the closure of its Wellsboro facility, citing low Medicare reimbursements and rising costs of operations.
For more state-related news and information, constituents can visit Owlett’s website at or Sen. Yaw’s website at
Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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