
Game Commission Night: White-Tailed Deer
Cosponsored with Leroy Sportsman’s Association

Tuesday, March 11, 6-8 p.m.
Peppers Auction Barn
13580 State Route 414
East of Canton

Click here to register or call the Wellsboro office at 570-724-1390 or the Troy office at 570-297-3045.

Human Trafficking Awareness for Parents, Guardians
Learn more about how to protect our children from the tragedy of human trafficking. The presentation is geared to parents and grandparents. Due to the nature of the material being discussed, it is not recommended for young children.

Wednesday, April 2, 
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Towanda High School
1 High School Drive, Towanda

Thursday, April 3,
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Wellsboro Fire Company Annex
21 East Ave., Wellsboro

Click here to register or call the Wellsboro Office at 570-724-1390.

Illegible License Plate Replacement Events

Tuesday, April 15, 
4-7 p.m.
Troy Sale Barn
50 Ballard St., Troy

Wednesday, April 16
4-7 p.m.
Wellsboro Fire Company Annex
21 East Ave., Wellsboro

If your license plate is difficult to read, you could find yourself paying a fine. Get the plate replaced for free at this upcoming event. A registration plate is deemed illegible when one or more numbers or letters cannot be recognized from 50 feet or if the registration plate shows any blistering, peeling, discoloration or loss of reflectivity.

Local law enforcement will be on hand to view driver’s plates and if the plates are deemed illegible, paperwork to start the replacement process will be completed.

Click here to register or call the Wellsboro Office at 570-724-1390.

Future Entrepreneur Summit

Thursday, May 1
9-11:30 a.m.
The Penn Wells
62 Main St., Wellsboro

Small businesses are the backbone of our community. Please join us for an informative breakfast summit geared to high school juniors and seniors interested in business, as well as people who have started a business in the last two years or are looking to start a business in the next two years.

Panel members for this informative event include:
• Jason Gehman – CEO, PRSM Healthcare
• Dustin Butler – Owner, Butler Hill Beef Farm
• Jordyn Smith – Co-owner, Smith & Co.
• Sarah Callahan – Owner, Flower Girl Florist

Advance registration is required to attend. Call the Wellsboro office at 570-724-1390 or click here to register.

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